Emergency Action Plan
Emergency #s
Coach: Sean Tyson
Phone #: 306 321 6777
Staff: Director of Operations
Phone #:306 321 6777
Location of phones (cell or landlines)
Emergency phone numbers are listed
Cell phone charged
Facility Mount Royal Collegiate
Address of Facility: 2220 Rusholme Rd
Address of Nearest Hospital: Royal University
Directions: provide accurate directions to the site
Person In Charge
Name: Sean Tyson
Phone: 306 321 6777
Alternate 1:
Phone: 306 668 3987
Alternate 2:
Roles and Responsibilities: Director of Operations
Clear the risk of further harm to the injured person by securing the area and shelter the injured person from the
Designate who is in charge of the other participants
Protect yourself (wear gloves if in contact with body fluids such as blood)
Assess ABCs (check that airway is clear, breathing is present, a pulse is present, and there is no major bleeding)
Wait by the person until EMS arrives and the injured person is transported
Fill out an accident report form
Call Person
Name: Sean Tyson
Phone: 306 321 6777
Alternate 1:
Phone: 306 668 3987
Alternate 2:
Roles and Responsibilities
Call for emergency help
Provide all necessary information to dispatch (facility location, nature of injury, what first aid has been done)
Clear any traffic from the entrance/access road before ambulance arrives
Wait by the driveway entrance to the facility to direct the ambulance when it arrives
Call the emergency contact person listed on the injured person’s medical profile
Participant Information
Participant profile information and emergency contact information (where is it located?)
First Aid Kit
Where is the first aid kit located?
In Equipment bag