The purpose of this Code of Conduct (“Code”) is to ensure a safe and positive environment (within Greenwave United club programs, activities, and events) by making all individuals aware that there is an expectation, at all times, of appropriate behaviour.
Greenwave United is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. It supports equal opportunity and prohibits discriminatory practices. Individuals are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that shows respect, integrity, and fairness to all.
Conduct that violates this Code may be subject to sanctions from the club, Provincial/Territorial Sport
Organization, or Canada Basketball.
Application of this Code
This Code applies to conduct that may arise during the course of club business, activities, and events, including but not limited to: its administrative environment, competitions, practices, training camps, tryouts, travel, and any meetings of the club.
This Code also applies to the conduct of individuals that may occur outside of the club’s business, activities, events, and meetings when such conduct adversely affects relationships within the club and is detrimental to the image and reputation of the club.
All Individuals have a responsibility to:
Maintain and enhance the dignity and self-esteem of club members and other individuals by:
Demonstrating respect to individuals regardless of body type, physical characteristics, athletic ability, gender, ancestry, colour, ethnic or racial origin, nationality, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, religious belief, political belief, disability, or economic status;
Focusing comments or criticism appropriately and avoiding public criticism of athletes, coaches, officials, organizers, volunteers, employees, and members;
Consistently demonstrating the spirit of sportsmanship, sport leadership, and ethical conduct;
Acting, when appropriate, to prevent or correct practices that are unjustly discriminatory;
Consistently treating individuals fairly and reasonably;
Ensuring adherence to the rules of basketball and the spirit of those rules.
Refrain from any behaviour that constitutes harassment, where harassment is defined as comment or conduct directed towards an individual or group, which is offensive, abusive, racist, sexist, degrading, or malicious. Types of behaviour that constitute
harassment include, but are not limited to:
Written or verbal abuse, threats, or outburst;
Displaying visual material which is offensive or which one ought to know is offensive in the circumstances;
Unwelcome remarks, jokes, comments, innuendo, or taunts;
Leering or other suggestive or obscene gestures;
Condescending or patronizing behaviour which is intended to undermine self-esteem, diminish performance or adversely affect working conditions;
Practical jokes which cause
awkwardness or embarrassment, endanger a person’s safety, or negatively affect performance;
Any form of hazing where hazing is defined as “Any potentially humiliating, degrading, abusive, or dangerous activity expected of a junior-ranking participant by a more senior person, which does not contribute to either’s positive development, but is required to be accepted as part of a team, regardless of the junior-ranking person’s willingness to participate. This includes, but is not limited to, any activity, no matter how traditional or seemingly benign, that sets apart or alienates any teammate based on class, number of years on the team, or athletic ability.”
Unwanted physical contact including,
but not limited to, touching, petting, pinching, or kissing;
Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, requests, or invitations;
Physical or sexual assault;
Behaviours such as those described above that are not directed towards a specific individual or group but have the same effect of creating a negative or hostile environment;
Retaliation or threats of retaliation against an individual who reports harassment to the club.
Refrain from any behaviour that constitutes sexual harassment, where sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual comments and
sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or conduct of a sexual nature. Types of behaviour that constitute sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:
Sexist jokes;
Displaying sexually offensive material;
Sexually degrading words used to describe a person;
Inquiries or comments about a person’s sex life;
Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions;
Persistent unwanted contact.
Abstain from the non-medical use of
drugs or the use of performance-enhancing drugs or methods. More specifically, the club adopts and adheres to the Canadian Anti-Doping Program. Any infraction under this program shall be considered an infraction of this Code and shall be subject to disciplinary action, and possible sanction. The club will respect any penalty enacted pursuant to a breach of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program, whether imposed by the Provincial/Territorial Sport Organization, Canada Basketball, or any other sport organization.
Refrain from associating with any person for the purpose of coaching, training, competition, instruction, administration, management, athletic development or supervision of the sport of competitive basketball, who
has incurred an anti-doping rule violation and is serving a sanction involving a period of ineligibility imposed pursuant to the Canadian Anti-Doping Program and/or the World Anti-Doping Code and recognized by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES).
Refrain from the use of power or authority in an attempt to coerce another person to engage in inappropriate activities.
In the case of adults, avoid consuming alcohol in situations where minors are present, and take reasonable steps to manage the responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages in adult-oriented social situations associated with club events.
Respect the property of others and not willfully cause damage.
Promote basketball in the most constructive and positive manner possible.
Adhere to all federal, provincial, municipal, and host country laws.
Comply at all times with the bylaws, policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the club, as adopted and amended from time to time.
Board/Committee Members and Staff
In addition to paragraph 6 of the Code of Conduct (above), Board and Committee Members and Staff will:
Function primarily as a member of the board and/or committee(s) of the club; not as a member of any other particular member or constituency
Act with honesty and integrity and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the nature and responsibilities of club business and the maintenance of member confidence
Ensures that the financial affairs of the club are conducted in a responsible and transparent manner with due regard for their fiduciary responsibilities
Conduct oneself openly, professionally, lawfully, and in good faith in the best interests of the club
Be independent and impartial and not be influenced by self-interest, outside
pressure, expectation of reward or fear of criticism
Behave with decorum appropriate to both circumstance and position and be fair, equitable, considerate, and honest in all dealings with others
Keep informed about the activities of the club, the provincial sport community, and general trends in the sectors in which it operates
Exercise the degree of care, diligence, and skill required in the performance of their duties pursuant to the laws under which the club is governed
Respect the confidentiality as appropriate to issues of a sensitive nature
Ensure that all members are given sufficient opportunity to express opinions, and that all opinions are given due consideration and weight
Respect the decisions of the majority and resign if unable to do so
Commit the time to attend meetings and to be diligent in preparation for, and participation in, discussions at such meetings
Have a thorough knowledge and understanding of all club governance documents
Conforms to the bylaws and policies approved by the club, in particular this Code of Conduct and subsequent policies.
In addition to paragraph 6 of the Code of Conduct (above), Greenwave teams will:
Deliver their services in compliance with the constitution, bylaws, policies, rules, regulations and procedures of the club
Ensure that all athletes and coaches participating in sanctioned competitions are registered members, in Good Standing, of their respective teams.
Engage only authorized coaches and sanctioned athletes.
Do your best to see that all players are given the same chance to participate,
regardless of gender, ability, ethnic background or race.
Become familiar with the club’s Policies and Procedures and ensure that all others involved are aware of them as well.
Incorporate Fair Play into team activities both on and off the court.
Ensure that all equipment and facilities are safe and match the athlete’s ages and abilities.
Ensure that the age and maturing level of the participants are considered in program development, rule enforcement and scheduling.
Remember that play is done for its own sake and make sure that winning is
kept in proper perspective.
Remember that you are in a position of authority and will use best judgment that is in the best interests of the children and for the game of basketball.
In addition to paragraph 6 of the Code of Conduct (above), coaches have additional responsibilities. The coach-athlete relationship is a privileged one and plays a critical role in the personal, sport, and athletic development of the athlete. Coaches must understand and respect the inherent power imbalance that exists in this relationship and must be extremely careful not to abuse it, consciously or unconsciously. Coaches will:
Meet the highest standards of credentials, integrity and suitability, including but not limited to such considerations established by the Club Screening Policy, so that the community is satisfied it has minimized the risk of an unsafe environment
Report any ongoing criminal investigation, conviction or existing bail conditions, including those for violence; child pornography; or possession, use or sale of any illegal substance
Under no circumstances provide, promote or condone the use of drugs (other than properly prescribed medications) or performance-enhancing substances and, in the case of minors, alcoholic beverages,
cannabis, and/or tobacco
Respect all other teams and athletes from other teams and, in dealings with them, not encroach upon topics or actions which are deemed to be within the realm of ‘coaching’, unless first receiving approval from the coach who is responsible for the team or athlete(s) involved
Not engage in a intimate/sexual/romantic relationship with an athlete of under the age of 18 years, or an intimate/sexual/romantic relationship with an athlete over the age of 18 if the coach is in a position of power, trust or authority over such athlete
Recognize the power inherent in the position of coach and respect and promote the rights of all participants in
sport. This is accomplished by establishing and following procedures for confidentiality (right to privacy), informed participation, and fair and reasonable treatment. Coaches have a special responsibility to respect and promote the rights of participants who are in a vulnerable or dependent position and less able to protect their own rights
Dress professionally, neatly, and inoffensively
Use inoffensive language, taking into account the audience being addressed
Be reasonable when scheduling practices and games. I will remember the other interests and obligations of my players.
Teach players to play fair and respect
the rules of the game as they are written.
Ensure that all players get equal instruction and support.
Recognize and reward all achievements other than just scoring points.
Never ridicule or yell at my players for making mistakes, performing poorly or losing. I will remember that children play to have fun and satisfaction and must be encouraged to have confidence in themselves.
Ensure that equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate for my player’s age and size.
Teach your team to respect the opposing teams, judgment of the referees and other administrators and will lead by example.
Follow a physician’s advice to decide when injured players are ready to play again.
Remember that children need a coach they can respect. I will be generous with deserved praise and set a good example.
Keep informed on sound coaching techniques based on the principles of growth and development of children and continue to upgrade my coaching skills.
Plan your season in advance and ensure I share it with my players and
parents, particularly at the beginning of the season.
In addition to paragraph 6 of the Code of Conduct (above), athletes will have additional responsibilities to:
Report any medical problems in a timely fashion, where such problems may limit the athlete’s ability to travel, train or compete
Participate and appear on time, well-nourished and prepared to participate to one’s best abilities in all competitions, practices, training sessions, events, activities, or projects
Properly represent oneself and not attempt to enter a competition for
which one is not eligible, by reason of age, classification, or other reason
Adhere to the club’s rules and requirements regarding clothing and equipment
Never ridicule a participant for a poor performance or practice
Act in a sportsmanlike manner and not display appearances of violence, foul language, or gestures to other players, officials, coaches, or spectators
Dress in a manner representative of the club with focus being on neatness, cleanliness, and discretion.
Act in accordance with the club’s policies and procedures and, when applicable, additional rules as outlined
by coaches or chaperones
Participate because you want to, not just because parents or coaches want you to.
Play the game for the game’s sake. Be generous when I win and be gracious when you lose.
Play by the rules of basketball and in the spirit of the game.
Control your temper and understand that fighting and “mouthing off” can spoil the game for everybody and is unacceptable.
Respect your opponents.
Do your best to be a true team player and work for the good of the team.
Remember that having fun, improving skills, making friends and doing my best are more important than just winning games.
Remember that coaches and officials are there to help me and accept their decisions and show them respect.
Acknowledge all good plays / performances – those of your team and of your opponents.
Parents/Guardians and Spectators
In addition to paragraph 6 of the Code of Conduct (above), parents/guardians of individuals and spectators at events will:
Encourage athletes to play by the rules and resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence
Never ridicule a participant for a poor performance or practice
Respect the decisions and judgments of officials and encourage athletes to do the same
Not question the judgment or honesty of an official or a club staff or board member
Respect and show appreciation to all competitors and to the coaches, officials, and other volunteers who give their time to the sport
Keep off of the competition area and not interfere with events or calls
Not force your child or others to participate in basketball.
Remember that children play organized sports for their own fun and benefit. They are not there to entertain, and they are NOT miniature professional athletes.
Explain the importance of “Fair Play” to your child and their coach along with others involved in basketball.
Encourage your child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
Teach your child that doing one’s best is as important as winning, so your child will never feel defeated by the outcome of the game.
Make your child feel like a winner every time by offering praise for competing fairly and trying hard.
Never ridicule or yell at your child or coach for making a mistake or losing a game.
Remember that children learn best by example and will applaud good plays by the home team and the visiting team.
Be on your best behaviour at all times and will not use profane language or harass players, coaches, referees, administrators, volunteers or the opposing team.
Never question the referee or coach’s judgment or honesty in public and will respect their decisions and
involvement in my child’s development.
Show respect for the visiting team – without them there would be no game.
Make involvement in this basketball program for your child and others a positive experience.
Condemn the use of violence and verbal abuse in all forms.
Encourage players always to play according to the rules of basketball.
Attempt to relieve the pressure of competition, not increase it. A child is easily affected by outside influences.